Facebook pages api not returning any pages

We are using the provider api to list all the facebook pages.

When developing our code we used the development test account, which worked fine.
Now we're testing with real user accounts and no facebook pages are returned by the api.

We checked the facebook page settings and the are published, so is there something we are missing here?


  • Claude_SchlesserClaude_SchlesserAdministratorOneAll Team

    the pages of a user are retrieved when he logs in with Facebook.
    So the page list only includes the pages of users that have previously logged in.

  • Hi Claude

    we've tested it with different accounts, logged in etc etc.. but we don't get it to work ;(
    are we doing something wrong? do you have more docu/ explanation for us?
  • Claude_SchlesserClaude_SchlesserAdministratorOneAll Team

    could you please make sure that you have the following permission for your Facebook app:

    You can see it in the App Review panel of your Facebook app settings.
    Without that permission Facebook will not return the user pages.


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