I thought my implementation of LoudVoice was incorrect until I realized that having 3rd party cookies turned off in a browser breaks LoudVoice. I understand the need for the cookie, but the overwhelming number of safari users is still there
according to these stats.
In my implementation of LoudVoice, I merged the Social Login + LoudVoice,
(as seen here), so that people don't have to log in again to comment.
Now, if someone were to have 3rd party cookies turned off, then on every new page load they must login manually with their social login. It also breaks the "log out" link. When no 3rd party cookie is present the oneall server resets the "author_session_token". Resetting that token is the only thing I'd like to prevent, if possible. Otherwise I'd have to check for the author session via API on every page load that contains LoudVoice comments which seems a bit excessive. Is there any other workaround that can be done to avoid this issue?
thank you very much for the error report. I think that technically speaking it should be possible to save the cookie on behalf of the domain that includes LoudVoice and not on the domain where LoudVoice is hosted. We will have a closer look at this!
Your implementation sounds great by the way
Best Regards,
Any update on whether or not this will be made possible?
we have been able to reproduce the issue, but we unfortunately haven't released a bugfix yet.
One of our developers is however already working on it!
Best Regards,