Loudvoice WP Plugin

Hi there I'm using Loudvoice as my wordpress comment. Is it possible to customize the title and the css of it?

As I see the javascript library here: https://docs.oneall.com/api/javascript/library/methods/loudvoice/
It seems we can change it if I'm going to use the javascript?

I'm afraid if I will be using the JS method it might load other comments from other pages.



  • Damien_ZARADamien_ZARAMemberAdministratorOneAll Team

    Hi Simon,

    About the title, I guess your referring to the set_page function. Nevertheless, this will only edit the title and url linked to the discussion and will not change the "frontend" title. You can basically add a title in your template.

    About the CSS, you can edit the plugin to add the set_custom_css_uri JS method. To be able to use a custom css you need at least a Starter plan.

    Find the file "/wp-content/plugins/loudvoice-comment-system/includes/templates/comments.php". At the end of the file you will have the JS block, add before this line : _oneall.push(['loudvoice', 'do_render_ui', '<?php echo $comments_container_id; ?>']); the line _oneall.push(['loudvoice', 'set_custom_css_uri', '####your_css_url####']);

    Replace ####your_css_url#### by your CSS url.

    Best regards,

  • Thanks Damien,

    Another follow up question, Which is my linkedin avatar doesn't appear in the comment?
    Tried to logout / use incognito mode the avatar can't read the plugin


    • Simon
  • Claude_SchlesserClaude_SchlesserAdministratorOneAll Team


    could you please inspect the broken avatar image and tell me which url is used for the image?



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