New problem today since I activated the Instagram rights to my account.
First of all, when I activated the rights, I no longer had a 500 error, everything is ok at this level. However, when I wanted to link a new Facebook account, the popup no longer asked me which pages I wanted associated or confirmed. The popup opened and closed immediately by connecting me to my profile. As if Facebook's permissions had become limited.
To do some tests, I tried to dissociate my Facebook from my OneAll token, it worked, but now, when I want to connect my Facebook to my account, it tells me that this social network is already linked to an account. I don't have the green check mark on the Facebook icon. I logged out of my platform and then made the connection via Facebook and it connected me correctly to my account, but there is still no green check mark on Facebook, it's as if the link stayed there, but it doesn't display and there's no way to do a reset.
I disabled Instagrams rights in my OneAll interface for Facebook, it fixed problem 1, however, my Facebook account still seems corrupted with OneAll.
Is there any way to fix this problem or do I have to recreate a new token completely? I have a feeling that even then, OneAll might tell me that Facebook is already linked to another account.
Thank you for your help again!
Chrstian Hamel
Hi Christian,
there are two possibilites to have the permission dialog reappear:
1) Enable permissions that you have never used/requested before.
2) Remove the Sook Media app in your profile:
By doing so, Facebook will re-display the permission dialog.
Please sign in to your OneAll account to ask a new question or to contribute to the discussions.
Please click on the link below to connect to the forum with your OneAll account.
Ok now when I want to connect to my platform with Facebook I have the registration form. It's ok for that, but my Facebook continue to be already used when I want to connect it to my platform account (my oneall token).
Ok, I deleted my OneAll token in my database for reset all my networks to my account.
I then made my connection with Facebook, everything worked very well, no message this time that my account was already associated with another account. Then I deleted my connection with OneAll Facebook with this new token. I then put my old token back into my database and was then able to link my Facebook account with my old OneAll token.
If ever it would help someone who had the same problem! But eventually, being able to manage a token on OneAll directly could help us debug for specific cases like this.
However, I still have the problem (after reactivating the Instagram rights in Facebook), the connection is made directly without asking any questions. Steps are missing when linking our account. And I can't agree to assign these rights to my account. Both in production and in developer mode on Facebook.
Hi !
Any news about this problem ?
Hi Christian,
if I understand correctly the remaining issue is that Social Link does not request the permissions that you have enabled in the Facebook settings in your OneAll account?
Is that correct?
@Claude_Schlesser : That's exactly the problem! The connection is made without asking for anything.
But right now I can't test it all again because my plan doesn't allow me to activate these options anymore. I would have liked to have been notified of this change by email beforehand.
I don't want to pay to change my subscription if I'm not sure everything will be functional.
Hi Christian,
the visual restriction of the features is in fact not a new limitation, but only the implementation of the data access levels according to our plans.
I will further test Social Link this morning!
Best Regards,
I just made a few tests and Social Login and Social Link are requesting the same permissions. They are based on the options that you have checked in the Facebook setup in your OneAll account.
Please note that if you have already granted a permission, then Facebook will not ask you again for it for some time. It's very likely that you have already granted the permissions being requested.
What you can do is first remove the app from your account here:
This will reset the granted permissions and they will be requested the next time you login with or link a Facebook account.
I deleted my direct Facebook access and it didn't ask me anything again?
And here since I don't have the "Complete Plus data" plan, I can't reactivate Instagram for Facebook. If I change my plan, will my current subscription be credited and you will confirm that you will provide me with the support I need to fix any problems quickly?
Hi Christian,
any existing plans will be credited as additional time on new subscriptions
Yes, we are always there to assist our customers!
Best Regards,
Thanks, I get it.
I made this video to show what is my problem when I select Instagram's Permissions in Facebook :
'Read Instagram Accounts' OR 'Read Instagram Insights'
As you can see, when one of the rights is enabled, the popup no longer displays the permissions and choices of Facebook pages to associate. The connection is made directly.
Tested in DEV or PRODUCTION mode on Facebook.
Any news about my problem with the video ?
Hi Christian,
if you have already granted a permission during a login, then Facebook will not ask you again for that permission for some time - even if you unlink the Facebook account using OneAll.
Please remove the app from your account here:
This will reset the granted permissions. Then re-login and the permissions will be requested.
Oh I think I found the problem, in Facebook, the App OneAll is expired since May 22, 2019... It tells me that the app hasn't been used for a while, is there any way that this value can be updated manually when our users log in to their account?
you are probably looking at the wrong app.
The date is updated each time somebody logs in using Facebook through the app.
It wasn't that after all. I reactivated the OneAll application and it didn't change anything, I had the same problem. I then deleted the application and the same thing, the connection was made directly. I have nothing else in my Facebook account that could be OneAll or my project. I then disabled the "Read Instagram Accounts" and "Read Instagram Insights" permissions and everything went back to normal. The problem really comes from these two permits, it seems. Whether my Facebook Dev is in production or development.
I no longer have an application related to all this on my Facebook:
Hi Christian,
We handle the Instagram scopes exactly like any other scopes. So there should be no difference, unless there is a specific handling of these scopes by Facebook.
Please go to this page:
Then select your Facebook app (the one you are using for OneAll) under "Access Token". This should list you the granted permissions.
Do you see the Instagram permissions there?
X user_birthday
X user_friends
X user_posts
X email
X read_insights
X manage_pages
X pages_show_list
X instagram_basic
X instagram_manage_insights
public_profile is the only one who doen't have an 'X' to de left. Can it be related?
By using the x you can revoke specific permissions.
public_profile is a default permissions that cannot be revoked
These have already been granted, so they will not be re-requested on your next logins. Unless you request a scope which is NOT on the list, Facebook will NOT display the additional window where you have to confirm the permissions.
Oh okay so if I understand correctly, is it completely normal for that to happen? If I want to revoke access to certain pages only, I no longer have this feature either when the connection is made directly. How could I proceed to do this? Before I clicked on "delete" in the OneAll window and accessed the configurations, but now the action of deleting is done directly without asking me anything. The addition of an "edit" link may be necessary at this time?
Why do you want to revoke access? I guess you are storing the pages in your own database? Simply drop them from there if the user no longer wants to access them through your service.
I have a customer who has more than 30 Facebook pages on his account and he was limited at first because Facebook allowed us to search only 25 pages in the list. He therefore wanted to remove some unnecessary pages to link with our platform to optimize and he no longer had access to this option to choose the pages. It worked for a while, but when I activate Instagram, it's only there that it causes a strange problem.
Are you using this?
Did you try settings num_pages to 100 per example?
I'll check with my developer and come back to you! Thanks for the doc!
It's ok for the num_pages setting !
But now, Facebook asks me to make a video of the process of connecting to their API using OneAll to show how to validate permissions for Instagram. I simply can't get the form when connecting to a Facebook account since the connection is made directly as mentioned above. It is really only when I check my permissions for Instagram that I no longer have the access requests as follows:
It is really this interface that I would expect to have anyway since I can have it with all the other rights, except Instagram. Facebook gives me an ultimatum until September 4th to send my video for these rights:
-Read Instagram Accounts - Get details about a connected Instagram Business Account
-Read Instagram Insights - Read insights of a connected Instagram Account
-Public Content Access Page
Public Content Access Page is really new I think because it seems to include rights I already had for page management.
Without the visual, I can't show them how the system works.
Thank you for helping me with all this.