When will a Joomla 4 component/module/plugin be available?

When will a Joomla 4 component/module/plugin be available?

Best Answer


  • DamienDamienMemberAdministratorOneAll Team

    Hi Geoffrey,

    The plugin is compatible Joomla 4 and can be found on our Github for the moment (we will update it to Joomla store soon) : https://github.com/oneall/social-login-joomla
    A new setup guide into documentation will be available soon too. Just for information, you will need to go into your Joomla! administration area and navigate to System \ Extension. Here select the new version Joomla downloaded file from our Githup repo. Then go to Components \ OneAll Social Login to edit the plugin settings.

    best regards,

  • Hi, after installing the package in J4 i get the following error: https://tinyurl.com/y8jbnjge

  • DamienDamienMemberAdministratorOneAll Team

    Which exact version of Joomla 4 are you using ?

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