Facebook sporadic error (could not connect)

edited June 2018 in phpBB

We are using OneAll on a phpBB discussion board. Login with Facebook has worked correctly for a long time but some users have started getting a strange errors. The errors only shows up for certain users. Others can log in without trouble.

These appear to be the two common errors they are getting:
1. https://www.flatpanels.dk/billeder/28052712_10160081303170442_363626068_n.png
2. https://www.flatpanels.dk/billeder/30415447_10160341441075442_2711620004532453376_n.jpg

Translates to:
1. App no configured. This app is still under development and you do not have access to it. Switch to a registered test user or ask the app administrator for permission.
2. Already in English

This is the URL when the error shows up: https://www.facebook.com/v2.6/dialog/oauth?redirect_uri=https://flatpanelsdk.api.oneall.com/socialize/callback.html&display=popup&state=aeebab5e-2bf1-464a-8d6f-663cdbc22090&scope=email,public_profile&response_type=code&client_id=205615086482562&ret=login&logger_id=acb5de6f-6768-dcb6-b66a-f1f2977f950c&ext=1530181934&hash=AeY_iYID7rt0ipWB

I have already went over the Facebook app setting and they appear to be correct and already migrated to https as required by Facebook.

What is going on? Thanks! :)

Best Answer

  • Answer ✓

    Just wanted to say that we have seemingly solved the issue. It appears that it was related to the 'Facebook app' that needed to be updated with Facebook.


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