<div id="oneall_social_login_providers"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var _oneall = _oneall || [];
_oneall.push(['social_login', 'set_providers', ['facebook', 'google', 'linkedin', 'paypal', 'twitter', 'wordpress']]);
_oneall.push(['social_login', 'set_callback_uri', (window.location.href + ((window.location.href.split('?')[1] ? '&' : '?') + 'oneall=login'))]);
_oneall.push(['social_login', 'do_render_ui', 'oneall_social_login_providers']);
Please sign in to your OneAll account to ask a new question or to contribute to the discussions.
you can embed the icons using the following code:
<div class="oneall_social_login_providers"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> oneall.api.plugins.social_login.build("oneall_social_login_providers", { "providers": ['facebook', 'google', 'linkedin', 'paypal', 'twitter', 'wordpress'], "callback_uri": 'http://buybuildingsupplies.com.au/forum/index.php?action=oasl_callback;oasl_source=registration' }); </script>
Please keep me updated!
now I'd like to add your buttons to the bottom of the login page for a magento site we have
your extension places the login strip of social buttons at the top of our site and throws things out a bit.
we would like them in the space on the page below the create an account at an - see here: