Account admin approval?


I was wondering if there was a way to make it such that all accounts that are created through the social login be approved by administrators first? Right now the accounts are automatically created and the user can log in right away. If there was even a way for the account to be created but the user NOT be able to log in until the administrator approves, that would suffice.


Best Answer

  • Answer ✓
    Hi Claude,

    Thank you for your response. I am using Wordpress.

    I have actually solved the issue since I posted the inquiry. I hooked into Wordpress' wp_login and do a check to see if the users account is in pending. If it is, I then force a logout on that user.

    I'm also using the New User Approve plugin to require that any newly created user be approved by an administrator before being able to log in. Interestingly though, this plugin by default does not prevent users who use the social login feature from logging into the site before an admin has approved their account.


  • Claude_SchlesserClaude_SchlesserAdministratorOneAll Team

    could you please tell me which platform (WordPress, Drupal ... ) you are using?

  • Hi @Grenville_Eustace ,

    I'm running into an identical situation - Social Login circumvents the New User Approve plugin. Would you mind sharing how you "hooked into Worpress' wp_login" exactly?


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