After I connect to a social network using oneall, I get a javacsript redirect event with a user_token, and a connection object with a connection_token.
Your API documentation talks about an identity_token and I wonder if the connection_token is the identity_token?
If not, then how can I obtain the identity_token?
Also, you have code samples on the REST API for PHP and Java, however I would like to see javascript sample code also.
This file stream contains all of the logged in user details.
You cannot query the ReST API from JS in the browser as you will encounter CORS errors.
My site is broken:
{"response":{"request":{"date":"Wed, 17 Apr 2019 17:23:18 +0200","resource":"\/","status":{"flag":"error","code":404,"info":"We are really sorry, but the resource you are trying to access does not exist. If you are currently implementing our services, then please make sure that your callback_uri points to a file on your server and not on ours."}}}}
Hi Garry,
the root subdomain (in your case is not useable as such. I can however confirm that the subdomain trisys exists.
Based on the error message I would case that the callback_uri in your JavaScript is pointing to that URL. Could you post the link to the page where I can reproduce the error?