Facebook social Login not working other pages except login and register

edited September 2015 in Magento
I have integrated oneall social extension to Magento 1.9 and it's working fine for login page and register page. I have also added facebook login button to popup in header so that user can login from there also but unfortunately it's redirecting to oneall api and again it's redirecting to login page.

Popup login is working fine on login and register page but not working on other pages.

What will be the issue?

Here is my site link: http://dukano.co/sakhidev/

Is there anyone had same problem?




  • Hi,
    Could you try modifying the plugin code (to test a possible cause):
    In file /app/design/frontend/base/default/template/oneall/sociallogin/login.phtml :
    About line number 121, change: _oneall.push(['social_login', 'set_callback_uri', (window.location.href + ((window.location.href.split('?')[1] ? '&' : '?') + 'oneall=login'))]); to: _oneall.push(['social_login', 'set_callback_uri', 'http://dukano.co/sakhidev/customer/account/login/?oneall=login']);

    Thank you.


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