Hello I want to use my PayPal sandbox to test social login, however your registration page asks for the live credentials only.
When I try to use the sandbox credentials, I get this: Relying Party Validation error: client_id provided in the request does not match any of the registered clients. Please check the request.
Hi, Does the Return URL in your Paypal sandbox account match that of your configuration (on app.oneall.com)? Also, is the Login In with Paypal ticked? (in Sandbox account)
I'm afraid I tried everything, triple checked my values and still get this message when trying the sandbox account. I tried another plugin and it worked but see more value in yours Can someone help me solve this dilemma?
Relying Party Validation error: client_id provided in the request does not match any of the registered clients. Please check the request. Close
Does the Return URL in your Paypal sandbox account match that of your configuration (on app.oneall.com)?
Also, is the Login In with Paypal ticked? (in Sandbox account)
#6 on your application page only asks for live credentials per below:
"On the same page, look for the Live credentials and copy/paste the corresponding values in the fields below"
The live credentials work fine for my login but the sandbox gets the validation error
Yes. But putting the sandbox credentials should also work (tested here).
I tried another plugin and it worked but see more value in yours
Can someone help me solve this dilemma?
Relying Party Validation error: client_id provided in the request does not match any of the registered clients. Please check the request.