Profile Image

edited March 2016 in WordPress
Hello! I wonder if there is a way to quickly change the size of profile images retrieved from the Social Meida?

For example, I am using the Wordpress plugin and set it to get the large profile images, but it's still not big enough and in an oval shape. So is there a way to manually set the size and shape?

Many thanks!


  • Fred_PinelFred_PinelMember
    edited March 2016
    The avatar size is normally set by Wordpress (default values, theme, etc).
    Are the social login picture sizes different to the other users?

    Changing it requires adjusting the calls to get_avatar() in Wordpress, or modifying the style.css for your theme. There is a special class for Social Login pictures (.avatar-social-login) you can use to target those.
    Also, you can add a filter to modify the avatar displayed (add_filter ('get_avatar', 'custom_avatar', 20, 5);)



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