A few of my users are unable to use OneAll Steam login to register on my phpbb3 forum. Other users are able to do it just fine.
They click "Register" on my site and then click the Steam icon. The popup appears and they enter their Steam credentials to authorize. Once they click "SignIn", the popup disappears and nothing else happens. We have tried using multiple browsers, disabling adblockers, etc. Nothing seems to work.
I thought it might be the Steam API, but some users can register fine, others can't.
OneAll advised me that it was steam servers running slow, however we also run 3 other sites using a different wordpress social login plugin for Steam which have no issues whatsoever. If OneAll can't fix this ASAP we'll have to switch to the other plugin in a matter of days as we're losing subscribers
First of all, apologies for the delay in getting to our question.
Regarding the support level for your service contract, I agree with you to find this unacceptable.
However, I can only speak for this Forum. Have you tried to contact our team through other channels, like email.
If this post is still of interest to you, then Steam was having availability issues lately. Intermittent failures, but failures nonetheless.
The improvement we could make is to improve the error reporting.