Move Social login button to another position

hi there,

how can i move the social button to the bottom or inside the box?


  • Curious as well how to reposition the button. I know it involves CSS programming, however I am not talented in the programming field :/
  • Hi,
    Not sure this is the cleanest way to achieve this, but you can edit the file:
    and replace the lines:
    <block before="customer_form_login" type="oneall_sociallogin/login" name="oneall.sociallogin.login.login"> <block before="customer_form_register" type="oneall_sociallogin/login" name="oneall.sociallogin.login.login">
    <block after="customer_form_login" type="oneall_sociallogin/login" name="oneall.sociallogin.login.login"> <block after="customer_form_register" type="oneall_sociallogin/login" name="oneall.sociallogin.login.login">
    Basically, replace the before with after.

    Hope it helps.


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