Publish Video url is not being embed

edited October 2016 in Social Sharing
I'm trying to upload video to facebook.
I configured all oneall facebook app with permissions:
email, public_profile, publish_actions, publish_pages, user_birthday, user_location
my code is : (using nodejs)

var publishVideo = function (params, res) {
video: {
// url: params.video_link
url: 'video or youtube URL here'
function (err, data, fullData) {
if (err) {
res.status(500).json({"status": "failed"});
} else {
res.status(200).json({"status": "ok", data:});
console.log('Meaningful data: ', data);
console.log('Full data: ', fullData);

I'm getting 2 empty frames and when I click on it the video opens in new tab. tried couple videos (none youtube), all the same - empty frames.
How can I upload and create a normal facebook video youtube video on my wall?
Am I missing a parameter?



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