No login social network displayed

On the connecting site menu I have the following error message:
[OneAll] To enforce the security of our services we require each domain to be whitelisted. Please click here to open your security settings and whitelist the domain Reload this page afterwards.
I checked the domain name on the allowed domains in the Oneall, the site domain is already present. All parameters API and social selection networks are corrects. No social icon are displayed on the menu, still the error message.
Please can somebody tell me if something is wrong or missing?
Thank you.

Best Answer

  • Claude_SchlesserClaude_SchlesserAdministratorOneAll Team
    Answer ✓
    Hi Jacques,

    you need to click on the Supprimer link to unlink the social network account.



  • Hi,

    Can you confirm the domain ? Could it be ?
    Also, you can try clearing the browser's cache.

  • Hi,
    The domain is correct.
    I finally get the right social menu and I received some warning message asking me to parameter the social network like Google and Facebook, what I did.
    Using Google I can log using my login and password as administrator. But using Facebook login as a public access I am surprised to see that a new user is created. Afterward trying to log using Facebook the application is login on a new user previously created and not login on administrator login e.g. when login using Google social login.
    Any idea? Is it due to the public option?
    I didn't yet use Twitter and Linkedin because I didn't receive any message asking me to parameter the corresponding social network compared to Google and Facebook social network messages.
    I wondered that the problem I got was due to your application server for receiving a late available social login menu and may be for the social network configuration messages.
    Please could you confirm my assumption and tell me why using Facebook it is different compared to Google login.
    Thank you.
  • Hi,
    The Social Login links different social network accounts together with the email address.
    If the email addresses are different in your Google and Facebook accounts, then Social Login will assume different users (one is the administrator, the other a new user).
    You can still link them together:
    1. connect with the Facebook account
    2. go to Edit My Profile, towards the bottom of the page (Social Login section), click on the Facebook icon (should be ticked in green), this will unlink your account (this step is necessary for step 3), log out
    3. connect with the Google account, go to Edit My Profile, bottom of page, and click on the Facebook icon, to link this account with the Facebook account, log out
    4. test: connect again with Facebook, this should now be your administrator account.

  • Hi Frederic,
    Thank you for your reply.
    In step 2 I received the message to unlink from Facebook but I have no chose than to cancel or to login to Facebook, no other possibility for example to link to Google.
    This is the popup:
    Lier des comptes Facebook
    Vous avez actuellement lié un seul compte Facebook.
    You can unlink this account, add another one or cancel this operation.
    Jacques Soulé
    Liér un autre compte:
    How to reply to unlink?
  • Hi Claude,
    Thank you for your support. I did it and it works.
    Thank you.
    After twitter configration I tried to connect with Twitter login but I have an error massage:

    [Site:UN SITE DE TEST DE WORDPRESS] Could not connect to Twitter
    Please verify the Twitter configuration of your Site.
    If you are the owner of UN SITE DE TEST DE WORDPRESS, you can fix this error here: Setup Twitter Configuration
    During the configuration I don't have any error, the account is well created.
    Any idea of the problem?
  • Hi Jacques,
    Do you still experience the problem with your twitter configuration ?

  • Hi Frederic,
    Yes, still problem with Twitter.
  • Hi,
    On, when you registered your twitter application (entered the twitter keys), were you able to register the application successfully ?

  • Hi,
    Yes I already registered the application successfully.


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