Paypal Relying Party Validation error: client_id or redirect_uri provided in the request does not..

I have followed the steps to implement Paypal REST api, introduced the live credentials but I get this error:
Relying Party Validation error: client_id or redirect_uri provided in the request does not match any of the registered clients. Please check the request.
My site is

I am using Prestashop module from OneAll, with prestashop

Any solution?
Many thanks,

Best Answer

  • Claude_SchlesserClaude_SchlesserAdministratorOneAll Team
    edited July 2017 Answer ✓
    Can you please send a screenshot of your LIVE APP SETTINGS (in your PayPal app) to ? Please also look at the Client ID/Secret on the same page and make sure they correspond to your OneAll PayPal settings.


  • Claude_SchlesserClaude_SchlesserAdministratorOneAll Team
    edited June 2017
    Hi Phoebe,

    this means that you do not have setup your PayPal app according to the guide that you can find in your OneAll account. Especially step 5 and the Return URL. Please have a closer look at the PayPal setup guide in your OneAll account and make sure that your PayPal app has the correct values.

  • Hi Claude,
    Thanks for your answer.
    I'm on "live", I dont have any webhooks, then I have inserted return Url and in app feature options i have only ticked "log in with paypal".
    ALso i have ticked what oneall instructions say.
    I really dont know why its not working. :(

    Any ideas? Many thanks
  • Hi Claude,
    In the end it was the client secret that was wrong: probably I had double clicked on it, but it copied a space after the secret key too.
    Thank you for helping!


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