Nothing in the PHP error log.
Installed the new plugin. Here's where it gets weird:
I can login on, which is the same site, same location, but still getting the 15656 error when I try to connect my social me…
OK, edited in my dev site (which I can't actually test since it has a different URL). Still can't login. Just keeps returning me to the login screen, no error message.
Not sure whether this is a clue, but when I click the "Sign in w/ username &…
Hate to be impatient on this. At this point, the "can't login at all" problem supersedes the "can't connect accounts" issue. Any thoughts? I'm really impressed with how easy this plugin was to set up compared to the others like it, so I really don't…
And now, I can't even login. I keep getting the login screen, enter email/password, back to the login screen without even an error, and I'm not even using the OneAll options. Going to have to delete the plugin if I can't get this figured out. Help i…