No you are wrong, the Authorization: Bearer is used for each linkedin API call.
The tokens that you provide are not valid.
I understand that they are not needed when using OneAll, but OneAll's LinkedIn functionality is very limited. So if you want …
Thanks for the detailed explanation. 2 additions:
- Unlinking an account does not remove it from the modal
To unlink and account you need to login with exactly the same account that you are trying to unlink.
If you login with an account that is not…
Nevermind, turns out I cannot use direct connect anyway in my current plan. Time to start writing our own integration!
Bugs / issues:
- Unlinking an account does not remove it from the modal
- Clicking on the LinkedIn button / Twitter button instan…
I get back:
key: "twitter"
name: "Twitter"
service: "social_link"
as you can see the connection_token is missing, but the connection is successful.
There's still a bug here with LinkedIN. When I post a pictureUrl to LinkedIn I get the following error:
message: 'The provider did not accept the message, it is incomplete: The message must contain the node [text->body] and/or both nodes [link-&…