Custom error design

If we encounter an error during oneall login, there is an ugly error message displayed in the popup window opened for the social login. This is unacceptable. Is there a way to react to error in the oneall API in a better way so that we can display a custom error message?

Happens for us with this error, which for us occurs with linkedin:

Best Answer


  • Hi,
    There are events you can react to, but we do not have events defined for all possible error situations.
    You can look at:

    Do you still get the 500 error mentioned in the other forum post?


  • The error occured only once - or at least we don't know of any more occurences.

    As this seems to be an internal error with oneall, I suspect none of the documented events is thrown. I cannot be sure about that as the problem is not reproducible.

    The idea for improvement would rather be to allow us to customize that "500 Internal Server" page just like it is already possible for the "intermediate page shown after a user has logged in" in our pages settings.
    This way, we could prevent our customers from being left with that generic error message and ask them to try again or contact us if the problem persists.

    Best regards


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