Steam login redirect issue

Vanilla version 2.2, plugin version 1.2, using Steam login.

I am able to login fine, it does the login and then displays this URL:

However, after the login, I am taken to this url:;

This displays a blank page, and does not finish redirecting to the home page. If I manually go to the home page, then I am successfully logged in.

I wanted to report this, because I don't know if it's a problem with my configuration, or a bug (perhaps something to do with the new version of Vanilla, 2.2?). Please let me know if there are any troubleshooting steps you would like me to take.


Best Answer

  • Fred_PinelFred_PinelMember
    Answer ✓
    Indeed, currently our plugin does show this error with Vanilla version 2.2.
    We'll be providing a correction shortly.



  • Hi,
    Thanks for reporting this error.
    We'll try to replicate this error with Vanilla 2.2, and post back here.



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