Good day,new users are unable to register a new account on my forum. However, if the user already has an account he/she is able to login just fine. I went to the oneall social login settings and discovered that the register page is meant to show "Register with your social network account" instead its showing "Connect with your social network account" which seems to insinuate that it doesn't see my Register page as the actual Registration page, rather as just any other page. my site is . I would appreciate any help on this. Thanks.
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could you please try to login once again and then check if you have any errors in your PHP error logs?
Thanks for your reply, the problem is that a new user cant register with his google accounts. This is because after he clicks on Connect with social network and selects the account, nothing happens. Its like it just refreshes the page. And i dont know how but you did register. Theres no problem with the login. It works fine, its the register that is the main thing.
then please try to register and then check for any errors in your PHP error log?
Hello, I can see the error logs and they seem to be mostly two errors
1.Could not process connection_token
2.Error: Could not validate user (You did not enter an option for the "Sex" field. Please fill in or select a value for this field.)
The error logs can be viewed from
the issue is that in your ACP you have setup the user's sex as required profile field.
As the social networks generally speaking do not provid that information, social login does not have a value for the field and the user validation fails.
Can you disable the "required" for that field on your ACP?
the error is fixed in the new version 2.7.1: