Hi folks!
I've correctly configured social plugin access API to Facebook and also Instagram. When I try to login using fb or in button, i've go smoothly through the authentication process (with the classical plugin pop-up admin authorization) but when the process try to land on my web site, it comes this error: Fatal error: Call to undefined function curl_init() in /var/www/localhost/htdocs/www.accademiadimedicina.unito.it/digital/wp-content/plugins/oa-social-login/includes/communication.php on line 733
This is the plugin url:
http://www.accademiadimedicina.unito.it/digital/wp-login.php?oa_social_login_source=loginCan I fix it? I don't have direct access to the web server, only to the wordpress ftp account.
Thank you!
Thank you for the answer, that's solve the problem. I could not operate on the web server because I'm not admin, only a hosted site. The alternative method works perfectlly.