I have social share working for Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn through social share, but after the user finishes posting, the dialog is still displayed with a spinner:
This is the whole URL of the dialog (removed subdomain and connection token):
This is my Angular code:
called in ngOnInit:
intializeOneall() { // plugin, method, html element id, provider _oneall.push( ['share_dialog', 'attach_onclick_display', 'share-dialog-linkedin', 'linkedin'], ['share_dialog', 'attach_onclick_display', 'share-dialog-twitter', 'twitter'], ['share_dialog', 'attach_onclick_display', 'share-dialog-facebook', 'facebook'] ); }
called on button click:
share() { _oneall.push( ['share_dialog', 'set_link', this.link], ['share_dialog', 'set_message', this.message], ['share_dialog', 'set_image', this.image] ); }
I've been trying to find the issue.
I think the parent window tries polling the dialog every 500ms checking to see if it can be closed, but I think that postMessage is failing because the dialog is a different origin from my site.
If I override the xd.postMessage function and inspect, This is what I see:
Or I could be totally wrong.
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thank you very much for the bug report. We are currently investigating this issue.
Best Regards,
Could you please give it another try now?
Thanks for the reply Claude, I'm still experiencing the same behaviour. FYI this is on Chrome in a WIndows 10 environment.
do you have a website where I could have a look at the issue?
Best Regards,
Hey Claude, no unfortunately this functionality is not public.
Is it possible to setup a screenshare? Or would you want a recording of the issue?
Just for the sake of completeness. This issue was fixed in February