oops, you actually did say it correct. in this reply https://support.oneall.com/forums/discussion/comment/5441/#Comment_5441 you actually said "Reason is that link is also maintained on our servers and needs to be cleared too." my bad for missing th…
i found the solution:
1. i created a WP-user account alexander-korf that was linked with FB through OneAll
2. i went to the wp-admin profile from alexander-korf and unlinked it from within Wordpress using OneAll
3. NB mind you, i did NOT unlink it o…
I have also done this:
1. download ALL SQL-tables
2. search for the emailadres xxxx@htomail.com of the FB account: found it
3. unlinked WP user on FB
4. delete WP user created with emailadres xxxx@hotmail.com
5. download ALL SQL-tables again
6. sear…
if you like I can give you the login details of the following three accounts in PM:
1. WP network admin
2. WP user farikobrainiac (created with OneAll by Twitter)
3. Facebook https://www.facebook.com/alexander.korf
4. the cPanel account where the si…
i did as suggested:
1- first unlink FB from the WP alexander-korf account on facebook.
2- checked if WP alexander-korf existed anywhere on the WP network and deleted the user
3- tried to link Facebook with existing Twitter account: unsuccesful
heya Fred, thanks for the reply but, as you can see in the OP, the solution you describe is exactly what I already did.
1. I created a user with twitter
2. I unlinked my FB account (I removed the app from this FB page https://www.facebook.com/settin…